You Can Prosper Through Angas Prime Investments

15 Nov, 2024

Borrowers once thought the best financing solution is one provided by a bank. For many mid-market commercial property borrowers, this simply is not the case. In reality, many mid-sized borrowers have financing requirements that fall outside traditional bank parameters. Even if the borrower has high quality assets, this does not account for the nuance of every deal. For example, borrowers often prefer a high degree of flexibility to meet their funding requirements, be it as to the length of the loan term, capitalization of interest, leverage or non-standard loan covenants. Such variances will require an alternative approach that involves the type of lateral thinking not commonly associated with a major bank. The borrower finds that the deal is unpalatable to its bank. That doesn’t mean there is not a suitable financing solution available. Or that the deal is too risky or does not stack up as a commercial proposition.

Angas Prime is not a bank. At Angas Prime, we regularly meet advisers and borrowers that have been led to believe the best financing solution is one provided by a bank. Unfortunately, the term "best"

is often a substitute for perceived "least expensive”. This doesn't account for the reality that mid-market borrowers are becoming more sophisticated and nuanced in their financing solutions. This is coupled with the fact that major banks, faced with an inability to meet the level of flexibility required by mid-market borrowers, have a decreased appetite to cater to this fast-growing group of clients. This situation presents a compelling opportunity for borrowers to tap into the availability of non-bank funding from Angas Prime.

It is the experience of Angas Prime that every prospective borrower has a unique funding requirement. This can be based on the proposition that is presented or the property to be acquired. If potential is evident to Angas Prime, the right solution could propel the borrower towards a successful deal. Alternatively, it is not uncommon for Angas Prime to advance a loan to refinance the existing lender and provide additional capital for an expanded project. In such cases, repayment will usually come from re-finance to a bank once there is established trading history of the expanded venture. Or else Angas Prime might work with the borrower to undertake non-core asset sales and reposition the remainder for refinance with a traditional lender.

Angas Prime has funded transactions to asset rich companies to assist resolve disagreements between shareholders who are often family members of descendants of the founder. Such disputes commonly relate to which shareholder can buy out the others. Given the protracted timeframes for these situations to be resolved, Angas Prime funding has offered a liquidity source which would not disturb the assets of the business which was the subject of a shareholder dispute. Importantly Angas Prime is always fully protected by a registered first mortgage of the real property assets. Angas Prime can look past the conventional whilst solidly protecting the funds advanced. Interest rates paid by the borrowers involved in these entanglements enable Angas Prime to deliver rewarding returns to investors.

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