Confidence is the Key
Opportunities for quality loan investments continue to be presented to Angas Prime.
The interest rates negotiated with borrowers enable Angas Prime to meet the Target Rate for distribution to investors. The Target Rate is 5.0% at present.
Investor opportunity is available in the current economic circumstances. Accumulated household savings are strong coming out of the two-year closed border period, and savings rates remain high.
There are many Australians who are reluctant to travel overseas on health and safety grounds, which is driving investment in regional and recreational properties. Whilst prices are falling in some metropolitan residential markets as RBA interest rate increases bite, the work from home trend is seeing price growth and sustained development in established regional centres. Furthermore, the labour market is very strong with unemployment at lows that most workers have not seen in their lifetimes. Vacancy rates for residential rental properties are very low. This is driving demand for infill and greenacre developments and construction. Migration targets have been raised. The anticipated inflows of migrant workers will have to be housed somewhere. The property market will be boosted by such projected demand.
Angas Prime continues to receive applications for finance to acquire, develop or refurbish real property. Investors in Angas Prime earn returns from these first mortgage loan transactions.
Whilst Angas Prime’s lending rates may be high, brokers and their clients are willing to pay a little more for certainty of funding. Likewise, brokers will be selective about the quality of the proposals submitted to Angas Prime which is known in the industry to be a reliable funder.
Angas Prime does not engage in a race to the bottom. Quality borrowers value reliability over interest rates.
The whole community was challenged by the COVID-19 restrictions. Angas Prime has pulled its weight as a fund manager through that testing period and continues to pay reliable returns whilst being a good corporate employer.